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Ralston House Prevention Trainings and Tips

​More than 80% of sexual assaults occur during one-on-one time with another adult.  Think carefully about the one-on-one time your child spends with other adults.  It could be Sunday school, daycare, school, sports, or music lessons.  Consider group activities/situations versus individual contact.  

For example, according to the National Council of Youth Sports, “any program where adults supervise children represents an obvious opportunity for sexual predators, and youth sports programs are known targets for perpetrators of these crimes.”

What can you do as a parent to help keep your child safe?

Always ask the following questions, take the following precautions, and trust your instincts: 


  • Does the organization conduct background checks on all employees working there?

  • Does the organization have policies about recognizing signs and reporting sexual abuse?

  • Are all staff members trained to recognize and report abuse and on organizational policies? 

  • Do they have policies about employees having exclusive, one-on-one time with a child?  

  • Does the organization provide education to staff and volunteers about child sexual abuse and perpetrator patterns.

  • Does the organization have policies that cover boundaries between staff and children, including:

-Physical contact




-Phone calls/texts /email /social media


If a policy does exist, be sure to get a copy. Ask how compliance with the rules is monitored and ensured.

If an organization does not have such policies, inquire as to why one is not available – and consider whether or not this is a safe place to leave your child.

As A Parent:

  • Note if one-on-one activities are open and observable.  

  • Inform staff that you are vigilant about your child’s safety and that sexual abuse is a concern of yours.

  • Inform staff that you will be making unannounced visits off and on when your child is in attendance to see how the rules are being followed in the caring for children.

  • Stay and observe practice or lessons.

  • Talk to your child.  Check in every day to see how his or her day went.  The more open the communication, the more likely you will get a clear picture of how things are going.

  • Pay attention.  If your child is uncomfortable being around a certain adult, ask why.

  • Trust your instincts.  If you feel that the issue of sexual abuse is not taken seriously, trust your instincts and act on them. 

This is far from a comprehensive list of prevention tips.  For more information about how to protect your child from sexual abuse, please use the form to schedule or inquire about a Prevention Training for your group, below.  

Prevention Training
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