About Ralston House
Get to Know Us
Founded in 1990, Ralston House receives referrals from law enforcement, social services and the district attorney's office, and works in conjunction with these entities to provide specialized forensic interviews and medical consultations.
Ralston House is a not-for-profit agency that provides a friendly and safe place for child and teen survivors of abuse to tell their stories and begin the healing process.

Why Ralston House Child Advocacy Center?
Child Advocacy Centers ​are designed to reduce trauma to children who are suspected of being physically or sexually abused or who have witnessed a violent crime by bringing together professionals (multi-disciplinary team (MDT)—members of an investigation including child protective services, police and district attorneys) into one location for a single interview instead of a child be interviewed by each member of a MDT​ on different occasions; an approach that risks retraumatizing an already vulnerable child.
What We Offer
Assistance to the legal system to hold offenders accountable
All services provided free of charge
Handicap accessible
Bilingual staff available
Interpreting services available
Services are offered for youth through the age of 18
Forensic Interview Services:
A trained, experienced forensic interviewer/therapist conducts investigative interviews of children suspected of being sexually, physically and/or emotionally abused on behalf of law enforcement to get detailed information that can help them in their investigations. Forensic interviews garner information from a child or teen that either corroborates or refutes allegations of abuse or a witnesses account of a crime.​
Medical Services:
A Child Abuse Pediatrician provides complete physical examinations, treatment, evidence collection and referral for treatment for children who are suspected of being sexually or physically abused. Medical clinics are located in Lakewood and Northglenn. Families can choose to schedule a medical exam at Ralston House free of charge.
Family/Victim Support Services:
Advocates provide crisis counseling, support, follow-up and referrals for children and families interviewed or receiving a medical exam at Ralston House throughout the investigative and court process. ​Following a forensic interview and/or sex assault medical exam at Ralston House, all children and non-offending family members are referred to specialized trauma-focused mental health services within the community. These services are designed to meet the unique needs of children who have undergone abuse and trauma. Ralston House conducts rigorous screening of therapists on the referral list and helps families schedule therapy appointments as part of the recovery and healing process.
Educational outreach to civic groups, churches, parents, teachers, daycare providers, other caregivers and youth-serving organizations raises awareness about the dangers of child abuse, recognizing perpetrator behaviors and ways to help keep children safer. Ralston House also provides trainings to law enforcement, social services, district attorneys and other professionals about child sexual abuse, bringing in national trainers, webinars and experts to benefit community safety.